It is not by chance that the days Deftera (Monday), Triti (Tuesday),
Tetarti (Wednesday), Pempti (Thursday), Paraskevi (Friday), Savvato
(Saturday) and Kyriaki (Sunday) have been imposed on us in every
length and breadth of our planet.
The week begins with Deftera / Monday (referring to the second type
– hybrid, that which was made with stolen essence and forces from
Creation*, the apostates* and the fiends named this the second
creation) the creation second (deftero) till Thursday (Pempti – fifth)
which is the apostate fifth tribe dominating the apostasy and dynasty
of our planet Gaia.
Paraskevi (Friday) meaning preparation – is whatever they prepare:
their spells, witchcraft and magic and whatever their master Yahweh
(Jehovah) and the apostate team prepare for Savvato (Saturday), the
day dedicated to Saturn (Kronos), in order to celebrate their apostasy
and success against Creation and all its creations every week on
Savvato (Saturday). This is done with rituals, sacrifices, witchcraft,
flesh, blood, curses, freak sacramental rites, apostate implants and
other insidious crafts and ceremonies.
Saturday, the day dedicated to Saturn/Kronos the time of massive,
complete apostasy and their downfall from the true Creation of ALPHA
OMEGA αω is the time they perform, surrender, glorify, praise and
register with their master.
On Sunday, which has been imposed upon us and after their six
procedures (from Monday/Deftera-second till Saturday/Savvato),
they surrender humans to their black suns, and we faithfully follow
with our will and own volition without knowing the truth and what
exactly is being done.
Find one old ancient text from at least one historian that refers to
Deftera, Triti, Tetarti, Pempti, Paraskevi, Savvato and Kyriaki – not
translations by allogeneic apostates, but handwritten proof by any or
at least one wise writer, historian, Ellene scholar. Surely, did the days
not have names then?
Even still, find a reference somewhere with names of the months
which are the same as the names we use today – Iounios/June,
Ioulios/July, Avgoustos/August, Septemvrios/September,
Oktovrios/October, Noemvrios/November, Dekemvrios/December,
Ianouarios/January, Fevrouarios/February, Martios/March,
Aprilios/April, Maios/ will not find anything because all of
these were constructed and imposed by the fiends.
And so every day when you greet, say good morning, good night and
within your daily routine you refer to and name, wish, make
arrangements using the name of the days and months repeatedly,
every week for 52 weeks a year. This is done thousands of times by
billions of humans and individuals without realising you are facilitating
in their establishment, you accept, you and everyone gives them
power and abundant energy. They rob you of your true Creation and
they strengthen so as to oppress and murder you and you not only
allow them, but you also do it and reproduce it with your own volition
and will.